COUPNUM function

COUPNUM is an Excel function that calculates the number of coupon payments between the settlement date and the maturity date of a security….

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ACCRINT function

The ACCRINT function in Excel is used to calculate the accrued interest on a security that pays periodic interest. This function can be…

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COUPPCD function

The COUPPCD function in Excel is used to calculate the previous coupon date (the last interest payment date) before a given settlement date….

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HYERLINK function

The HYPERLINK function in Excel is a useful tool for creating hyperlinks within your spreadsheet. It allows you to link to websites, other…

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SMALL function

The Excel SMALL function is used to return the k-th smallest value in a range of data. It is a useful tool when…

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ROUNDDOWN function

Excel ROUNDDOWN Function is a handy tool that helps you round a number down to a specified number of decimal places. This can…

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STDEV.P function

The Excel STDEV.P function is a statistical function used to calculate the standard deviation of a given set of numbers in a population….

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MODE function

Excel MODE Function is a useful tool for finding the most frequently occurring value in a dataset. It’s like identifying the most popular…

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MROUND function

The MROUND function in Excel is used to round a number to the nearest multiple of a specified value. It can be useful…

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ISBLANK function

Excel ISBLANK Function checks if a cell is empty or blank. It returns TRUE if the cell is empty and FALSE if it…

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