N function

The Excel N function is a simple yet useful function that helps you determine whether a given value is a number or not. It returns either a 1 (for true, indicating a number) or a 0 (for false, indicating a non-number).




valueThe value you want to check if it’s a number or not.

How to use

Using the Excel N function is quite straightforward. You simply provide a value as an argument, and the function will return 1 if the value is a number and 0 if it’s not. Let’s look at some examples:

This formula will return 1 because 5 is a number.

This formula will return 0 because “Hello” is not a number.

This formula will return 1 because Excel treats the logical value TRUE as the number 1.

This formula will return 1 as well, as Excel considers the logical value FALSE as the number 0.

This formula will return 1 because even though the value is in quotes, it represents a number in string form.

Additional Information

The Excel N function is particularly useful in data analysis and conditional formatting. It helps you quickly determine the numerical nature of a value, which can be essential when working with spreadsheets and performing calculations.

Tomasz Decker is an Excel specialist, skilled in data analysis and financial modeling.